
- CinzanoUtsåld
- Zwitsal läkerUtsåld
- Cacao BensdorpUtsåld
- Douwe egbertsUtsåld
- Ginder aleUtsåld

Excellent quality fast service and the classic nameplate that I ordered looks amazing.I personalised the sign to my liking and it was really easy on their website.I was kept informed how the progress was going and given regular updates. It arrived weeks earlier than expected too so that is a bonus.
You get a 4 star. You were fast, helpful, send it immediately it is pretty and I am VERY pleased... I got it in Denmark not long after I ordered it, and It is the exact measurements I needed. I'll wait with the last star until I see how durable it is, but is sits pretty on my carport already thanks :-) Lea in Denmark
Jawel het bordje is opgehangen. Kan niet anders zeggen de afwerking was weer top. Netjes RvS schroeven erbij, goede service en ik werd netjes op de hoogte gehouden over het nr bordje.